The side effects of holiday spirit

The importance of holiday spirit in 2020

It is no mystery that Covid-19 has ruined many events this year. As for those it has not ruined, it has changed things dramatically. This year has been difficult for everyone worldwide. With Christmas quickly approaching, the difficulties that surround this holiday season are becoming ever more present. For families that live far apart or college students, traveling home is becoming an issue as the CDC recommends staying put. Because of this change in plans, the holiday spirit is essential this year. 

   As most Hallmark movies point out, the holidays are about hope and focusing on love and family. In this commercial and corporate world, often the true meaning of Christmas can easily be forgotten. Last minute shopping and attempting to achieve the perfect Christmas card become priorities where they do not need to be. Covid-19 has stripped society down to bare bones. What is left after this pandemic is more time with family and self-care. With less preparation for parties, families can spend more time with each other enjoying the spirit of the season. 

    When so many things are going wrong, even downtown decorations can bring the slightest bit of joy to someone. For people that no longer have to commute to work, they can spend more time thinking of a meaningful gift for a friend. Or for parents of school-aged children this gives them more time to bake cookies or read Christmas stories. While there are some holiday past times that will be different this year, such as smaller family gatherings and no Christmas caroling, there is now room for new traditions. Instead of Christmas caroling, maybe people can write letters to loved ones. For those who are unable to travel, gifts can be shipped directly to them where loved ones can video chat as they are opened. 

    2020 has been a difficult and sometimes hopeless year. However, in the midst of confusion and pain, joy can always spring up. Choose to look at the glass half-full and see the brighter side. 

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